Minerva Birmingham Pitch Up
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Minerva Birmingham Pitch Up improves businesses’ ability to win investment while simultaneously boosting their profile. Over the last 6 years Minerva Birmingham Pitch Up - which is run by the Centre for Growth at Aston University, BizzInn at University of Birmingham Enterprise and Minerva at University of Warwick Science Park - has put over 125 entrepreneurs directly in front of investors and helped bring over £40M of investment into the region’s small businesses and beyond.
Venturefest will host to the Pitch Up final where the best business pitches will compete in front of a live audience of investors and entrepreneurs to win:
The Best Pitch Award
Golden Ticket to access Minerva Birmingham’s professional network of Business Angel Investors
Potential future investment
Applications for Minerva Birmingham Pitch Up 2023 are open. Find out more and apply.
If you have any queries contact centreforgrowth@aston.ac.uk