Co-organisers of Venturefest WM 2018, Innovation Alliance has written a 5 part blog series covering all major topics and themes from our 2018 programme.

Marcus Burton, Director at Yamazaki Mazak, gave the first keynote address of VenturefestWM 2018 – ‘Innovation Drives Long Term Success’, highlighting how innovation underpins the success of this 100 year old business, and outlining the future for manufacturing in the current digital revolution. READ MORE
Dave Maclean, Chair of the Digital Board at West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), led the first panel session of VenturefestWM 2018 to discuss ‘Growth Opportunities in an Evolving Regional Economy’. READ MORE
Charlotte Horobin, Membership Director, Midlands & East of England at EEF, led the second panel session of VenturefestWM 2018, which explored the many different ways that product and process innovation happen in a business to business (B2B) environment. READ MORE
This keynote address from Sherry Coutu, Chairman of the ScaleUp institute and Founders4Schools, discussed top-tips for overcoming the difficulties of business scale-up, and emphasised the importance of looking to the future. READ MORE
The third and final panel session of VenturefestWM saw leaders of very different, fast-growing West Midlands businesses giving frank, first-hand accounts of what it took to successfully grow their businesses. READ MORE